Featured Servers
Start Date: Oct 21, 2009
Total Players: 0
Turns: 10 turns every 5 minutes
Total Sectors: 866
Reset Date: Not Scheduled
Alien Assault Traders Gallery
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The main login screen contains any new admin news and the date the server will reset if any.
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New Mini-Nav Map shows the direction the closest sectors are from your location.
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This is just a snapshot of the flash title that is going to be used in the next release of the game. Just a little something to spice up the opening page. The planets circle the sun and rotate. The ship flies around the screen while the text explodes and music plays the background. And the size is about the same as the 0.21 title graphic. 
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You can log in and have your game automatically registered with the Master Profile Server.
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This is a sample of a new display of the planets in a sector. It's small and compact.
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