Total Players: 0
Turns: 10 turns every 5 minutes
Total Sectors: 855
Reset Date: Not Scheduled
This player hasn't registered any current games. |
Player average from 1 completed games. | |
AVG Score: 9,783,968 | AVG Avg Defense: 0 |
AVG Rating: Neutral | AVG Kills: 16 |
AVG Deaths: 9 | AVG Planet Captures: 307 |
AVG Planets Lost: 290 | AVG Planets Built: 125 |
AVG Planets Based: 297 | AVG Planets Destroyed: 165 |
AVG Online Time: 10d 15h 21m | |
Player totals from 1 completed games. | |
Total Score: 9,783,968 | |
Total Rating: Neutral | Total Kills: 16 |
Total Deaths: 9 | Total Planet Captures: 307 |
Total Planets Lost: 290 | Total Planets Built: 125 |
Total Planets Based: 297 | Total Planets Destroyed: 165 |
Total Online Time: 10d 15h 21m | |
Server AAtrade Main 0.31 Version: 0.31 Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 9,783,968 Turns Used: 176,379 Rating: Neutral Kills: 16 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 9 Planet Captures: 307 Planets Lost: 290 Planets Built: 125 Planets Based: 297 Planets Destroyed: 165 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 10d 15h 21m Pioneer's Lost: 1 Stealth's Lost: 0 Super Cargo's Lost: 0 Columbus's Lost: 0 Endeavour's Lost: 2 Razorback's Lost: 2 Voyager's Lost: 4 Excelsior's Lost: 0 Alliance Raider's Lost: 0 Battle Cruiser's Lost: 0 |
[Feb 15, 2008 - 4:40 am] Zoid: Very intelligent and cunning player. Lotsa fun, lotsa laughs.
[Mar 11, 2008 - 7:06 pm] Valience: He's been around, has some experience, knows the players, and is a good teammate.
[Apr 3, 2008 - 7:30 pm] Valience: Take that back. Didn't know him long enough. Not trusting, paranoid, and not trustworthy. He'll back stab you as soon as it looks profitable to him.
[Apr 7, 2008 - 3:45 am] Ike Diamonds: Great teammate. Cunning, tenacious and tactically gifted. Ignore Val, he's a trustworthy teammate.
[Apr 12, 2008 - 6:30 am] MadMardigan: Tonto an Ike make a good team! Tonto will hit you low and Ike will hit you High!