Total Players: 0
Turns: 10 turns every 5 minutes
Total Sectors: 855
Reset Date: Not Scheduled
Have become an aggressive attacker. But my moto still holds: I prefer to attack stronger/experienced players.
This player hasn't registered any current games. |
Player average from 3 completed games. | |
AVG Score: 7,652,946 | AVG Avg Defense: 0 |
AVG Rating: Good | AVG Kills: 5 |
AVG Deaths: 2 | AVG Planet Captures: 146 |
AVG Planets Lost: 82 | AVG Planets Built: 126 |
AVG Planets Based: 0 | AVG Planets Destroyed: 0 |
AVG Online Time: 0d 0h 0m | |
Player totals from 3 completed games. | |
Total Score: 22,958,838 | |
Total Rating: Good | Total Kills: 14 |
Total Deaths: 6 | Total Planet Captures: 438 |
Total Planets Lost: 246 | Total Planets Built: 379 |
Total Planets Based: 0 | Total Planets Destroyed: 0 |
Total Online Time: 0d 0h 0m | |
Server DarkElves Universe Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 10,131,627 Turns Used: 44,906 Rating: Good Kills: 0 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 0 Planet Captures: 0 Planets Lost: 9 Planets Built: 110 Planets Based: 0 Planets Destroyed: 0 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 0d 0h 0m |
Server Alien Assault Traders Team Tournament Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 10,406,289 Turns Used: 68,155 Rating: Good Kills: 11 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 4 Planet Captures: 372 Planets Lost: 175 Planets Built: 152 Planets Based: 0 Planets Destroyed: 0 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 0d 0h 0m 2 1 1 |
Server AATrade Team Draft Tournament Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 2,420,922 Turns Used: 48,652 Rating: Good Kills: 3 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 2 Planet Captures: 66 Planets Lost: 62 Planets Built: 117 Planets Based: 0 Planets Destroyed: 0 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 0d 0h 0m 2 |
[Apr 24, 2004 - 7:27 pm] Moonraker: Need a good player to help a team win? Look no further. If Bovine wasn't playing against me Bovine's scores would go through the roof. I personally keep Bovine in check when playing this game. Alway
[May 2, 2004 - 1:45 am] Tempest: An interesting player who is more than happy to have a good conversation as you're both taking out each other's home sectors ;) Good competition, and I'd be happy to have him in any game that I'm
[May 2, 2004 - 1:46 am] Tempest: playing in. Hit a character limit in previous entry, so had to add this one for the last two words!
[May 14, 2004 - 1:26 pm] Max Griswald: what a mate to have! very helpful, with both knowledge and cash! kudos mate, nice hit on tempest!
[May 27, 2004 - 4:37 am] : really good player, has the war skills and else - nice teammate to have
[Jun 11, 2004 - 10:00 am] : FUn to play with very agressive player.. Awesome to chat with.
[Jul 29, 2004 - 8:07 pm] Big: Can't agree more...:)
[Sep 1, 2004 - 8:32 pm] Krazy Klingon: One of the first people who didn't lose a ship from laughing at me too hard ...
[Sep 6, 2004 - 1:54 am] kool_kid: so i see i disapoint u bovine ohh.. well its understand able that was actually my first tourney so i think i did pretty well your a good player though keep it up.
[Nov 19, 2004 - 1:06 pm] Neongreen: Bovine, we will miss you. You are a great player, and most of all, friend.
[Sep 19, 2005 - 1:07 am] fakecajun: another very agressive player who likes to be challenge. Had the pleasure of playing with and against with.