Total Players: 0
Turns: 10 turns every 5 minutes
Total Sectors: 855
Reset Date: Not Scheduled
We who will rule by the might of Ja ;)
Scavenger/Builder Player type
Humourist: If you could see you play like I do you'd laugh too ;)
This player hasn't registered any current games. |
Player average from 4 completed games. | |
AVG Score: 16,003,385 | AVG Avg Defense: 0 |
AVG Rating: Good | AVG Kills: 0 |
AVG Deaths: 5 | AVG Planet Captures: 11 |
AVG Planets Lost: 28 | AVG Planets Built: 48 |
AVG Planets Based: 23 | AVG Planets Destroyed: 15 |
AVG Online Time: 0d 20h 6m | |
Player totals from 4 completed games. | |
Total Score: 64,013,538 | |
Total Rating: Good | Total Kills: 0 |
Total Deaths: 19 | Total Planet Captures: 43 |
Total Planets Lost: 112 | Total Planets Built: 190 |
Total Planets Based: 92 | Total Planets Destroyed: 59 |
Total Online Time: 3d 8h 25m | |
Server AATrade Main Game Version: 0.41 Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 45,374,490 Turns Used: 258,804 Rating: Good Kills: 0 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 9 Planet Captures: 37 Planets Lost: 81 Planets Built: 117 Planets Based: 83 Planets Destroyed: 58 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 2d 17h 37m Pioneer's Lost: 1 Stealth's Lost: 0 Super Cargo's Lost: 0 Columbus's Lost: 0 Endeavour's Lost: 4 Razorback's Lost: 0 Voyager's Lost: 2 Excelsior's Lost: 2 Alliance Raider's Lost: 0 Battle Cruiser's Lost: 0 |
Server AATrade Main Game Version: 0.41 Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 13,719,204 Turns Used: 61,888 Rating: Neutral Kills: 0 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 7 Planet Captures: 0 Planets Lost: 4 Planets Built: 10 Planets Based: 9 Planets Destroyed: 1 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 0d 14h 48m Pioneer's Lost: 1 Stealth's Lost: 0 Super Cargo's Lost: 0 Columbus's Lost: 1 Endeavour's Lost: 2 Razorback's Lost: 0 Voyager's Lost: 3 Excelsior's Lost: 0 Alliance Raider's Lost: 0 Battle Cruiser's Lost: 0 |
Server DarkElves Universe Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 4,895,146 Turns Used: 35,230 Rating: Good Kills: 0 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 1 Planet Captures: 0 Planets Lost: 20 Planets Built: 62 Planets Based: 0 Planets Destroyed: 0 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 0d 0h 0m 1 |
Server Alien Assault Traders Game Ended Player Alias | Score: 24,698 Turns Used: 13,843 Rating: Good Kills: 0 Kill Efficiency: 0 Deaths: 2 Planet Captures: 6 Planets Lost: 7 Planets Built: 1 Planets Based: 0 Planets Destroyed: 0 Avg Defense: 0 Total Online Time: 0d 0h 0m |
[Dec 9, 2003 - 2:28 pm] Langel: Great player,.. fantastic team mate too lol!~ ^_^
[Dec 20, 2003 - 3:53 pm] Rasti: Beyond bubbly, Make's even a dark soul like myself Smile ;)
[Dec 20, 2003 - 3:54 pm] Rasti: Beyond bubbly, Make's even a dark soul like myself Smile ;)
[Jan 2, 2004 - 3:33 pm] : Awesome Teamate, There when you need him and very helpful.
[Jan 4, 2004 - 6:09 pm] Rasti: Humble Player, Never toots own horn ;)
[Feb 14, 2004 - 12:02 pm] : a skilled player with a interesting sense of humor
[Oct 27, 2004 - 11:24 am] : Although a bit hit to much (12 deaths on my game) hes still great!
[Feb 14, 2005 - 6:48 am] Moonraker: The Will Rogers of AAT.
[Jun 18, 2006 - 10:36 pm] : The ONE....... LOVE OF MY LIFE ;)