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Scenario: If a invader attcks my country, and installs it's own goverment, am I a Patriot or an Insurgent to resist? All the talk of Terrorists and Insurgecny glosses over the fact that Iraq, under Saddam was the most Unfriendly Arab counrty to Al-Quada. 'The Base' is a religious Fundamentalist Movement(Much like an Armed Moral Majority here in America, Google 'World Church of the Creator' for a prime example) but it's religious underpinnings is in direct opposition to the former goverment of Iraq.
Food for thought: IF(big if) we manage to create a viable election process in Iraq, then reason dictates that the most organized group will do the best in the elections. What group in Iraq is the most organized/able to 'get out the vote'?
Kudos if you said the religious groups
Extra Credit: Which country in the Middle East had the higher literacy rate, and the higher rate of women with degrees and employed?
(Hint: WAS, past tense)
I know, I know this is a game web site, get off the politics, but the junk repeated in the media over and over again sickens me. America is Lost. 9/11 was our equivalent of the Spanish Succession.
'We must Dissent'
VTD 1345
Entry Edited 2 times - Edited on Nov 19, 2004 - 6:37 pm
Post Date: Nov 19, 2004 - 6:20 pm