

State: Florida
Country: United States
Sex: Male
Age: 56

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January 2005

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Trip Like I do, Can you?

Got most of my stuffs in order now, so back to my commentaries.
Ramasi- once again an excellent example of why I don't talk about AAT much in this blog, I don't have the heart to type that much about it, or in that level of detail.

  Got religion pretty well covered in my last couple of blogs, at least for now. So on to my Third most favorite topic( The #1 fav is unlistable here, as it concerns things no youth should be exposed to too early, and I do mind the censor rules here. My olny comment there is to say:
Children, you are discovering NOTHING new, it's been done since before the time of man, and will continue long after we have gone away. Be safe, be carful, and have fun(but not too much fun) you are young and there is a long road out there ahead of you, choices you make now will have an effect on that.

Second Fav is Religon, but I've burned that cross well over the holidays here and I am content at the moment.

Third Fav, is Politics.
Background: My teenage years were during Reagan, and I felt then, and do still for the most part now, that he could do no wrong. Before the people you could feel he believed what he was saying, and had a Charisma that is Sorly lacking in our current Leadership. By principle, I'm a Democrat (Liberal). I believe people should be free to do mostly as they wish, so long as it dosn't directly hurt others.
Guns: Pro-gun, In fact I believe that handgun use should be mandatory. The US is a Gun Society, and they can never be taken away, so the best way to deal with them is to go in the extreme opposite direction. 2/3rd of the homes in America do NOT have a gun in them. Robbers know this.
Gay Marriage: Pro. I'm a married man, I live close to a couple that have been together for over 25 years, both females. I could only wish my marriage could be as strong. I believe most of the anti-gay stands stem from fear, or weakness. Religion is not a valid issue to argue from. In the Middle East, gay 'acts' are punishable by Death, yet even faced with such an extreme, it still happens. Fear and Weakness.
Abortion; Pro. It's a hard one to decide on, and I've walked the fine line on this issue for awhile. In the end I've come down in favor, while it is not the best option, sometimes it can be the most viable one. I'll never have one, but I'll never deny someone else the right to.
Smaller issues: I'm a big military supporter (Served 8 Years Army) but I also believe in overwhelming force. Iraqi could have been solved at the cost of 1 Mid-Yield Nuclear bomb, placed over Bagdad. We've killed 15,000 Iraqi civilians so far and 1340 of our own. It would have also sent the message 'We will use whatever means Neccesary'.
  Democracy, as we have it, is flawed. The masses, given the ability to vote, will almost always vote for the goodies now, the costs, later. Nobody wins an election by telling the 'People' that they are going to have to pay for something. I am strongly in favor of bringing back some form of ballot 'qualifer'. At 36, with 20 years in the workforce, 8 years in the military, an a member of society in good standing, my vote is equal to some 18 year old who thinks Jessica Simpson would be a 'cool' President. Ugh.

'We must Dissent, even if it's a rant'
VTD 1819

PostScript: I promise next blog will be more fun

Entry Edited 2 times - Edited on Jan 6, 2005 - 7:15 pm

Post Date: Jan 6, 2005 - 7:14 pm
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