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This is the first direct jump against another blog I've ever done, But I feel compelled to do so, because it's so wrong.
The blog: Mindwyrm's
He makes several points, but just about every one of them is wrong, or misguided.
one: 'Now when did Americans become such bleeding heart pussies? Our grand-parents sure weren't. We lost 75 million people in WWII because the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. And that was a millitary base. This time they attacked Civilians. The truly innocent. And they used Civilian assets to do it, killing even more innocent people in the process.'
There are at least 3 things wrong with this statement.
1. World War II started in Sept. 1939, with the invasion of Poland by the Germans. We were 'It's not our problem' until Pearl Harbor, Dec 7th 1941. (Not exactly the Gung Ho, let's go stop evil, COWBOY, mentality)
2. The body count for the ENTIRE world for WWII is ~ 56 Million, of which we lost 413 thousand. Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II#Chronology_1939.E2.80.931945
3. By the end of WWII we had firebombed the majority of Japan's major cities, not direct military targets. killing over 100,000 people in the process. (Of course, they were Japs, so they were evil and deserved to be burned alive in there homes, I understand that kind of logic, coming from a youth.)
My biggest problem with his rant is that he makes the same mistake most Bush Apologists make, tying 9/11 in with Iraq. One last time people, IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH OSAMA BIN LADEN, OR SEPT 11TH!!!!
Al-Qa'ida is a fundamentalist group (much like the Moral Majority). Saddam Hussien was a straight up dictator. A secular state like Iraq was before the war was against everything Bin laden preaches. If Al-qa'ida was over there, blowing up buildings in the name of Jesus, instead of Islam, we would be ignoring him as a 'regional' issue.
We kicked them out of there bases in Afganistan after 9/11, Right move. Then we took a left turn and invaded Iraq, Wrong move. If it had been Syria instead, I could back that, but it wasn't It was wrong, and history has, and will prove that right.
OK, enough ranting. I do NOT mean to jump on Mindwyrm about this, but I would like him to prove my statements wrong. There is so much 'junk' out there in the world today. It's too easy for someone to quote an idiot, as opposed to looking into the facts themselves. I like to think that's the reason Republicans are on top, but the conclusions I draw from that scare me.
' We Must Dissent'
VTD 5934
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Aug 16, 2005 - 1:30 pm
Post Date: Aug 16, 2005 - 1:30 pm