State: Florida
Country: United States
Sex: Male
Age: 56
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Take 1 Man (Woman, Child, etc.) unchanged genetically for over 10,000 years. Body still funtions same as caveman out in the savannah.
Add a Marketing Department that knows that sweet sells, Sugar sells, Taste sells
Add in an economic/social enviroment that allows for the consumption of the above listed items (which for the sake of brevity we will label 'crap'); in large readily available amount.
Pour into 1 body, and you have today's angst driven, gotta have it, fat obsessed, diet driven, culture.
The cure for this 'hangover' of 'crap' is simple.
The Human body is a wonderfully adaptable machine, able to tolerate all sort of abuses dealt to it (drinking, smoking, puberty[HELLO!!] ) and bounce back. Diets don't work, they are usually a temporary condition, plus you get the added benifit of learning that your body REACTS to dieting.
In the caveman days, no food meant you die, the body reacts to starvation by lowering it's metabolism accordingly, so when you go 'off' diet, the wieght comes right back. A proper diet is a 'lifestyle' change. A PERMANENT change of eating and exercising habits to strike a new balance in intake/metabolisim.
Empty Calories are just that 'empty' The calories found in the average daily intake here (U.S.) in sodas it enough in calories alone to substain us. The trick is to provide enough nutrients to sustain bodily functions. Carbs are dead here, or at least dying. Margarine is WORSE for the body that butter is, they contain more of the bad cholestrol and almost no good cholestrol. Fish is Very good. Fat is OK, in moderation. Fat provides a balance internally, your body feels fuller after eating something with fat. Don't belive me? Try it. Buy a pint of regular ice cream, and a pint of low fat. If you eat them both in the same sitting, you should be reading this, and working out at the same time
Eat them as a dessert, or a meal on different days, notice your fullness, then notice it 1-2 hours later. The low-fat passes through, leaving you hungry quicker. The same is true with starches (Yes, Chinese food DOES leave you hungry an hour later, Proven fact )
Enough Diet Ranting for now, This is a game board afterall
VTD 436
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Jul 19, 2004 - 10:20 pm
Post Date: Jul 19, 2004 - 10:20 pm Afternoon, Evening here (5:17 EST)
The Day was as wet as I thought. Nothing terribly newsworthy here. The US is still going to pot with the Republicans. I'm convinced that we as a society have gotten dumber. I've met too many college level morons all knowlegde, no logic, no common sense.
Around 55 years ago, a good Democracy voted themselves a dictator into office. I fear we are near there, here.
Did I mention how happy of a person I am? Really. Honestly Truely. Being an Optimist, is like Blind Faith. Being a Pessimist is to curse the Darkness. I kinda like lighting a candle, then putting it out, then curse the Darkness. Repeat as needed
P.S. L Angel: Got yourself a Sugar Daddy? Good for you, Viagra works wonders nowadays
VTD 432
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Jul 19, 2004 - 4:36 pm
Post Date: Jul 19, 2004 - 4:36 pm Thanos is the Marvel Comics character, gotta love a nhilist who loves death, but is shunned by her.
I'm in Florida, my governer is Baby Shrub (Jeb Bush) He didn't do enough Cocaine in his youth to be president so the Powers that Be choose his Brother as their figurehead. But he's becoming dumb enough to make a run for President around 2012
Little Lady, You should check out Atkin's diet plan. Low refined sugars (Sadly no chocolate) low Carbohydrates, High protien.
It's a good Florida Morning here. Rain, Thunder and wet,red tourists, hopelessly lost
VTD 423
Entry Edited 2 times - Edited on Jul 19, 2004 - 5:59 am
Post Date: Jul 19, 2004 - 5:56 am